
Emina Demiri-Watson

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Emina Demiri-Watson

Emina is the Head of Digital Marketing at a Brighton-based digital marketing agency Vixen Digital. She is a full-stack digital marketer with an extra passion for SEO. Before joining Vixen, she worked in-house with organisations of all sizes - from start-ups to enterprises. In her career, she has managed teams, created strategies, wrestled with agencies and got stuck in the weeds with technical. Emina enjoys being a digital marketing generalist and believes the role to be pivotal to success in today's fast-paced and multichannel market.

Not Just a Pretty Graph - How to Use Screaming Frog Visualisation Tools

In SEO and digital marketing, seeing a pretty diagram or graph is very seductive. It’s the nerdy nature of the beast. We love data visualisation. But, showing a visualisation should never be just about making your PowerPoint presentation pretty. Luckily,...

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