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Don't hesitate to check our Help Centre for answers to frequently asked questions.

General information
General information

For general questions, requests for information or to send us feedback, please fill out the form.

or call us on : +33 (0)1 40 20 53 17
during museum opening hours (the museum is closed on July 25 and 26, 2024).

Online ticketing service
Online ticketing service

For questions regarding online reservations, please fill out form.

Visitors with disabilities 
Visitors with disabilities 

For questions regarding disabled access, call our dedicated number: +33 (0)1 40 20 59 90
Leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Please fill out the form.

Visites guidées en groupe avec un guide-conférencier du Louvre
Guided tours for groups with an official Louvre guide

For reservation requests, please fill out the form.

Visites guidées et ateliers pour les individuels
Guided tours and workshops for individuals

Information : +33 (0)1 40 20 52 63
during museum opening hours

Réservation : 


Auditorium Michel Laclotte
Auditorium Michel Laclotte

Please fill out the form.

Research and collections
Research and collections

Regarding images and image reproduction rights :
To paint or draw in the museum:

For research into an artwork at the Louvre: reach out to the Research Centre of the relevant department (providing the inventory number of the work as listed in the collection catalogue)

For appraisal of a privately owned artwork: please contact a qualified appraisal firm. The curatorial staff at the Musée du Louvre are not authorised to provide appraisals for reasons of professional ethics.

Entreprises et professionnels
Companies and professionals

Press services : Visit the Louvre’s online press room.
Support the Louvre
Private events :
Filming and Photography :

Official tours and VIP guests
Official tours and VIP guests

VIP tours: private 90-minute tours for 6 visitors are available for €800. Please contact us at to arrange a VIP tour.
If you wish to organise a guided tour with cocktails for a company or works council, send us an email at


See job offers in our dedicated space (in French) or on our Linkedin account.
To apply for a job or internship at the Louvre, or submit a spontaneous application, send a CV and cover letter by email to